Home with Balcony and Terraces

Home Plans and Affordable Additions
Are you looking to add a rooms to your home or to design your own home but are unsure of where to start? Are you concerned with making the right design choices before building your home? Are you looking to remodel? Do you need help with the arduous process of getting plans approved by your city?
Your local DAS HAUS DESIGN drafting and design can get your addition done to specification, get you approved and help you choose the right options in order to make your dream a reality.
DAS HAUS DESIGN works with experienced design professionals that understand the ratios, appearance, and functionality in residential design. If you require excellence, and professionalism call us at (747) 216-8829 today for a FREE QUOTE AND VISIT for any of the following:
Home additions, room additions, kitchen additions and bathroom additions that increase your property value, functionality & comfort
A Customized home which meets your individual personality and needs
Home plans for a current or future projects
Remodeling job for your home
Drafting Outsourcing/Contracting basis available here
A FREE 3D Model is included with any order. Samples available
Ask about our 3-part pay as you go plan and money saving strategies!
We will set it up for you
We can take the design that you want and expand it. We can even help you browse through different styles until you pick the one you like.
Not ready? Save it for Later
You can get a free USB flash drive to save your design for when the piggy is a little bigger. This adds the benefit of future changes before construction.
We will help you choose a licensed contractor
A reputable list of contractors to shop and compare will save you money and give you greater leverage over how your project is built. DAS HAUS DESIGN can be there every step of the way to ensure the design is built smoothly.
FREE 3D Design
Renders different views of your project.
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For great design ideas as well as updates on our products and services, make sure to add us on Facebook or to check us out regularly.
We make the process easy!
Other Advantages
We can guide you through the process from the initial stroke on the pencil to the actual room, bathroom, kitchen addition or custom home. Designing and building one's own home should not be a complicated process like it has become in Los Angeles.
Due to extensive city regulations, the process of getting a design drafted according to the city's extensive specifications can become an unnecessary burden. Similarly, homeowners that bypass this process by not acquiring city permits can find themselves dealing with the hassle of paying hefty fines or in some cases even having to demolish their projects as local enforcement can now access satellite photos to check for compliance.
A DAS HAUS DESIGN experienced professional can make this process easy.
Peace of Mind
Designing your home with DAS HAUS DESIGN can alleviate you from all the hassles that come with building in a city as regulated as Los Angeles. Additionally, because our professionals have 30+ years of experience in the field, they can advice you in advance on whether a particular feature can be excecuted in compliance of local requirements.
Get your design from the people who really get it.
Not everyone can design a home. Awkward walls and doors that run into each other and stark differences between an older building and a new addition are common when dealing with a bad contractors. Our concept is different in the following ways:
Home design that takes into account ecology, landscape, existing structures, ratios, appearance, needs and functionality sets DAS HAUS DESIGN apart in the industry.
Permit Approval services are available if you live within the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. At DAS HAUS DESIGN, the home plans and room additions are drafted from scratch with city codes in mind.
Our network of professionals have university credentials in design and/or architecture as well as decades of experience making customized homes and home additions a reality.
Know your project
Keep yourself informed of every step of the process with regularly scheduled status e-mails.
We are not contractors, but a closed-knit network of design professionals. The value in our work value comes purely out drafting customized designs. We do not profit from fast or regretable constructions but from elegantly designed ideas. We also work with a network with reputable and competitive builders that are ready to execute the designs.

Roof top minimalistic design. Das Haus Design Original Architecture

A Guest House for a Homeowner in Sherman Oaks, CA

Minimalistic Apartment Comoplex. Das Haus Design Original Architecture

Roof top minimalistic design. Das Haus Design Original Architecture

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Save it for later.
For your FREE CONSULTATION and/or to schedule an in-house inspection call
us at (818) 280-9292.