Our Promise: We will have the perfect home wait for you!
You are looking to expand your home your home or to design your own home but maybe unsure of where to start.
Your local DAS HAUS DESIGN can get you a drafting professional with 30+ years of experience in Architecture to complete your addition or home done to specification, get you code-approved and help you choose the right options in order to make your dream a reality.
If our designs inspire you, then you've already taken the first step. Call us at (747) 216 8829 today for a FREE CONSULTATION and to schedule an appointment. We're available 24/7 and yes, even Sundays.
What you get:
A Floor Plan of project
Roof Plans
Details Plans
Framing Plans
Concrete Footing Plan of Addition
Permit Submission
A FREE 3D Model is included with any order. Samples available
Regularly scheduled status updates by phone or e-mail
Das Haus Design clients also enjoy:
We set it up for you
We can take the design that you want and expand it. We can even help you browse through different styles until you pick the one you like.
Not ready? Save it for Later
You can get a free USB flash drive to save your design for when the piggy is a little bigger. This adds the benefit of future changes before construction.
We help you choose a licensed contractor
A reputable list of contractors to shop and compare will save you money and give you greater leverage over how your project is built. Das Haus Design can be there every step of the way to ensure the design is built until you get the keys!
Come back and say hello
For great design ideas as well as updates on our products and services, make sure to add us on Facebook or to check us out regularly.
DAS HAUS DESIGN is a family owned company born in the San Fernando valley. This makes us overly available and 10 minutes away!
We at DAS HAUS DESIGN believe that everyone should be able to afford personalized professional home design. We help people maximize their space, increase its value and functionality by bringing innovation and design to the most precious space of all, your home.
Step 2!
Thank you for considering us to walk you through your home's design process. Whether is a brand new home or an addition to an older one. Contact us so we can better share how fun and affordable getting the perfect home can be!
Or call us at (747) 216-8829